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Affordable Premium
Affordable Premium

Premiums start from IDR400 thousand/year

Easy and Fast Process
Easy and Fast Process

No survey for houses with certain criteria

Easy Premium Payment
Easy Premium Payment

Autodebet and Virtual Account

  1. Principal Guarantee
    • Fire
    • Lightning
    • Explosion
    • Airplane Crash
    • Smoke
    • Floods, Storms, Hurricanes, and Water Damage
    • Damage due to vehicles, demolition and other collateral other than those excluded in the policy
  2. Expansion Guarantee
    • Riots, Strikes, Evil Acts and Riots
    • Terrorism and Sabotage
    • Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and Tsunamis


This insurance product contains risks including but not limited to, credit risk and policy cancellation risk.


This coverage does not cover loss or damage to property caused by the risks of intentional actions and the risk of destruction or damage to property that is under construction or installation.

Futher details about exclusions can be accessed through the brochure

There is no entry age limit

Is the use of the insured building. Rates and Occupation codes can be accessed on the Occupation List

Complete product information can be seen via the brochure

BCA and BCAinsurance are licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia

This insurance product is an insurance product of PT BCA General Insurance (BCAinsurance) and is not a BCA product. BCA is not responsible for these insurance products.
In full

Insurance Fees

Fee Description
Insurance Fee The premium depends on the amount of sum insured
Endorsement Administration Fee Charged if there is a change in Insured Object Value, Occupation, and Guarantee


Administration Fees

Type of Premium (Rp) Administration Fee

 < Rp 5,000,000


 ≥Rp 5,000,000


Personal Risk Fees

Guarantee Personal Risk
Fire, Strike by Lightning, Explosion, Hit by Airplane Crash, Smoke

Rumah Tinggal & Rukan: NIL

Home & Home Office: NIL Shophouse: 5% of the agreed loss value or 0.1% of the total insured value

Floods, Hurricane, Typhoon, and Water Damage 10% of the agreed claim
Motor Vehicle Damage, Demolition Rp2.5 million/accident
Riots, Strikes, Malicious Damage, and Civil Commotion 10% of the minimum claim value of Rp10 million
Terrorist Act and Acts of Sabotage The amount will be determined at the time of claim filing
Earthquake, Volcano Eruption, and Tsunami 2.5% of the Sum Insured
  • BCA Insurance Sales

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Nearest BCA Branch
  • eBranch

Apply this product or service through eBranch BCA application in smartphone

More Info

For Property All Risks, you only make a premium payment once for a coverage period of 1 year and can be extended

You must immediately notify the Insurer (BCAinsurance) in writing or orally via Halo BCA (1500888) no later than 7 calendar days from the date of the incident

You can buy Property All Risks to:

  1. Buildings with listed Occupational type
  2. Content (furniture, fixtures/equipment)
  3. Stock (Inventory of goods)