Purchasing, constructing and renovating the fixed assets
Solutions for your business that require the purchase, construction and renovation of fixed assets such as commercial properties (warehouses, offices, shop houses, etc.), machinery and vehicles.
Need to Know
- Tenor/credit period
Up to 12 years *)
- Bank Financing
Adjusts to the type of productive assets being financed.
- Withdrawal
Withdrawals can be made in stages or all at once, with/without a grace period
- Maximum Credit Limit
Depending on the type of assets to be financed
- Repayment
BCA debits the borrower’s deposit account under the power of attorney granted by the borrower to BCA
- Mechanism by which BCA makes the loan
BCA credits the funds to the borrower’s account as specified in the credit agreement (all at once/in stages)
*) Terms and Conditions apply
- Aged over 17 years or married
- Indonesian citizen
- Not having been declared bankrupt nor being in bankruptcy proceedings
- Swift collectability
- Incorporated/established in Indonesia under the Indonesian law
- Compliance with the borrower’s Articles of Association and the prevailing laws and regulations
- Not having been declared bankrupt nor being in bankruptcy proceedings
- Swift collectability
- A copy of the Resident Identity Card (KTP)
- A copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) Card *)
- A copy of the Family Card
- A copy of the Spouse's Resident Identity Card (KTP)
- A copy of the Marriage Certificate
- A copy of the Certificate of Divorce/Death *)
- A copy of the Resident Identity Card (KTP) of the members of the Board of Directors and Board Commissioners **)
- A copy of the Resident Identity Card (KTP) of the Shareholders **)
*) Mandatory, if any, for individual borrowers; optional for business entities
**) Only for business entitiesa
Required Documents for Collateral in the form of Real Property
- A copy of the Land Certificate
- A copy of the KTP and NPWP of the Collateral Owner (If the collateral is registered in the name of another person)
- A copy of the Building Permit (IMB)
- A copy of the latest Notice of PBB (Land and Building Tax) Due
- A copy of the proof of payment of the latest PBB (Land and Building Tax)
Required Documents for Collateral in the form of Time Deposit
- A copy of the time deposit placement certificate (bilyet deposito)
Financial Documents
- A copy of the Audited Financial Statements *)
- A copy of the Internal Financial Statements *)
- A copy of account statements for accounts opened at Other Banks (at least for the last 4 months)
*) Madatory, if any
- Facility Fee (Biaya Provisi) / Commission Fee
- Administrative Fee
- Loan Interest
- Penalty for Overdue Loan Payment
- BCA branch office
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