About the Product
The right solution to finance the purchase of commercial property according to your business needs
Important Information
- Loan Applicants
Individual or Business Entity (in the form of PT)
- Type of Properties
Could be shophouses, warehouses, office units from BCA partner developers with indent status, finished buildings, and certificate completely (also not completely) splitted
- Type of Facility
Investment loan for business needs with annuity installments
- Terms
up to 20 years*
- Loan to Value (LTV)
Maks. s.d. 90%*
*for certain type of commercial property
Terms & Conditions for Individuals
- Over 17 years of age or married
- Indonesian Citizen
- In no violation of law and decency
- Has not been declared bankrupt or in bankruptcy dispute process
- Good collectibility status (based on SLIK)
- Syarat dan Ketentuan Perorangan
Terms & Conditions for Documents Required
- Indonesian legal/business entity
- Business purpose
- It is in accordance with the Articles of Association and does not conflict with the law
- Has not been declared bankrupt or in bankruptcy dispute process
- Good collectibility status (based on SLIK)
Terms & Conditions for Business Entities (.Ltd)
General Documents:
- A copy of residence identification card (KTP)
- A copy of NPWP
- A copy of Family Identity Card
- A copy of spouse's ID Card
- A copy of marriage certificate
- A copy of divorce / death certificate
- A copy of ID Cards of the Board of Directors and Commissioners *)
- A copy of ID Cards of Shareholders’ ID *)
Financial Documents:
- A copy of Audited Financial Statements (prescribed by the regulations)
- A copy of Internal Financial Statements
- A copy of other bank account transaction (last 4 months)
*) for business entity (.ltd) only
Our Partnership Project
Here's our partnership project :
Fees and Limit
- Provision Fee
- Loan Administration Fee
- Interest Rates
- Fines for Late Payments
- Notary Fee
- Penalty (for repayment with certain criteria)
- Insurance Costs
- Collateral Appraisal Fee (for finished buildings)
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