Time Loan
Time Loan
Seasonal financing solution or project based where you can do withdrawal and repayment anytime during credit facility period
- Broad network
Broad network all over Indonesia
- Various financing alternative
Various financing alternative based that suitable to your business needs
- Various kind of business
Able to accommodate various kind of business
- Convenient
Provide convenient way to achieve your business target
- The tenor/credit period for a Revolving Time Loan is 1 year and is extendable. The loan can be drawn multiple times
- The tenor/credit period for an Incidental Time Loan is a maximum of 6 months (only for a 1- time withdrawal) and is not extendable
- The borrower draws the loan by providing BCA with a notice of drawdown (Surat Permohonan Penarikan Fasilitas Kredit, or SPPFK)
- The borrower repays the loan on the loan due date/at the end of the credit period for the Time Loan facility by authorizing BCA to debit the borrower’s deposit account
- BCA makes the loan to the borrower by crediting the funds to the borrower’s account
- Aged over 17 years or married
- Indonesian citizen
- Not having been declared bankrupt nor being in bankruptcy proceedings
- Incorporated/established in Indonesia under the Indonesian law
- Compliance with the borrower’s Articles of Association and the prevailing laws and regulations
- Not having been declared bankrupt nor being in bankruptcy proceedings
- A copy of the Resident Identity Card (KTP)
- A copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) Card *)
- A copy of the Family Card
- A copy of the Spouse's Resident Identity Card (KTP)
- A copy of the Marriage Certificate
- A copy of the Certificate of Divorce/Death *)
- A copy of the Resident Identity Card (KTP) of the members of the Board of Directors and Board Commissioners **)
- A copy of the Resident Identity Card (KTP) of the Shareholders **)
*) Mandatory, if any, for individual borrowers; optional for business entities
**) Only for business entities
Required Documents for Collateral in the form of Real Property
- A copy of the Land Certificate
- A copy of the KTP and NPWP of the Collateral Owner (If the collateral is registered in the name of another person)
- A copy of the Building Permit (IMB)
- A copy of the latest Notice of PBB (Land and Building Tax) Due
- A copy of the proof of payment of the latest PBB (Land and Building Tax)
Required Documents for Collateral in the form of Time Deposit
- A copy of the time deposit placement certificate (bilyet deposito)
Financial Documents
- A copy of the Audited Financial Statements *)
- A copy of the Internal Financial Statements *)
- A copy of account statements for accounts opened at Other Banks (at least for the last 4 months)
*) Madatory, if any
- BCA branch office
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