- Identity Card (electronic Resident ID Card (e-KTP) for Indonesian citizens/Passport for foreign citizens)
- Tax ID Number (NPWP)*, for Indonesian citizens
- Stay Permit (Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) /Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP)), for foreign citizens domiciled in Indonesia
- Other documents (only for foreign citizens not domiciled in Indonesia) as may be required under the AML CTF Guidelines and the prevailing laws.

Tahapan Gold
Tahapan Gold BCA is a product development of the Tahapan product, issued as a savings product for business needs, i.e., to support businesses and at the same time ensure the credibility of business transactions. With Tahapan Gold, the Customer can conduct business transactions 24 hours a day, anywhere and anytime.
- Detailed
Get more complete information on account mutations containing transaction amounts, balances, names of recipients and senders, as well as payment information and news
- Easy
Transactions can be made without using a passbook
- Info service via SMS & e-mail
Get transaction information via SMS or E-mail that meet your needs.
- The account opening is reserved for individual customers (whether Indonesian or foreign citizens) that already hold an identity card.
- The Tahapan Gold account may also be opened by a non-individual customer (Foundation).
- The Customer fills out the account opening application form and accepts the terms therein.
- The Customer provides the required documentation.
Type of Customer
- Identity Card (electronic Resident ID Card (e-KTP) for Indonesian citizens/Passport for foreign citizens)
- Tax ID Number (NPWP)*, for Indonesian citizens
- Stay Permit (Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) /Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP)), for foreign citizens domiciled in Indonesia
- Other documents (only for foreign citizens not domiciled in Indonesia) as may be required under the AML CTF Guidelines and the prevailing laws.
- Old Tahapan passbook
- Identity Card and Tax ID Number (NPWP)* of all members of the Foundation’s Boards
- Tax ID Number* for Non-Individual Entity
- Deed of Establishment
- Articles of Association
- Deed of Amendment (if any)
- Deed containing the composition of the current boards of the company
- Letter of validation, approval, and/or receipt acknowledgment of notice issued by the Minister of Law and Human Rights
- Business Identification Number (NIB)
- Registration Certificate issued by the competent authority (only for a social foundation established in DKI Jakarta)
- Other permits and licenses***
*Note : If the Customer does not have/has not already had the Tax ID Number (NPWP), the Customer can substitute it with a Statement Letter explaining that the Customer does not have the Tax ID Number (NPWP).
**: For a Customer that changes their account from Tahapan to Tahapan Gold
- A non-individual customer holding a Business Identification Number (NIB) issued before 2 February 2021 needs to provide an operational permit from the competent authority.
- A non-individual customer holding a Business Identification Number (NIB) issued on or after 2 February 2021 with a medium to high risk level needs to provide other licensing documents, i.e., the Risk-Based Business Licensing Documents under Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021.
The customer can ask questions and lodge complaints via the following:
Social Media:
Facebook : GoodLife BCA
Instagram : @goodlifebca
Youtube : Solusi BCA
X (Twitter) : @BankBCA
Main Features of Tahapan Gold:
- Available in 1 currency, i.e., Rupiah.
- The minimum balance requirement is IDR50,000.
- The minimum monthly average balance is IDR10,000,000, which is immediately effective in the following month after the account opening.
- Competitive Interest Rates. For details on interest rates, see the “Fees, Limits & Interest Rates”.
- The deposit interest rate that is eligible for the deposit insurance scheme follows the applicable interest rate set by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan or LPS), which can be viewed on the website of the LPS.
- The Customer will receive information on the Customer’s account transaction history in the form of a soft copy account statement (e-statement) by downloading it directly from the channels owned by the Customer.
- The Customer will get the Tahapan Gold passbook and/or the Paspor card:
- The Paspor GPN Card can be used for making debit transactions at millions of stores in Indonesia displaying the Debit BCA or GPN logo and cash transactions at thousands of BCA ATMs and through the Prima ATM network.
- The Paspor Mastercard Card can be used for the following transactions:
- Making online payments on various websites, applications, or online services.
- Making debit transactions at millions of stores displaying the Debit BCA logo (for domestic transactions) and millions of stores overseas connected to the Mastercard network.
- Making cash transactions at thousands of BCA ATMs and through the Prima ATM network, and the Mastercard/Cirrus ATM network worldwide.
- The detailed transaction history of the customer’s account is printed in the Tahapan Gold passbook.
- The Customer can apply for the Savings account facilities, such as Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Info Service via SMS/email, and BCA by Phone.
- Reliable Security, BCA ATM PIN, m-BCA PIN, and KeyBCA make the Customer’s transactions safe and convenient.
- To maintain the Customer’s credibility, the Customer’s current account can be linked to the Tahapan Gold account through the Online Automatic Transfer System (ATS) service, and therefore if the Customer has issued a cheque/Bilyet Giro but the funds in the Customer’s current account is insufficient, the insufficiency of funds in the current account can be immediately offset against the balance of the Tahapan Gold account.
- Enjoy the benefits of the Appointee service for greater convenience in making banking transactions. To use this service, the Customer needs to appoint 2 (two) trustworthy representatives and present the Customer’s proof of account ownership and identity documents to the Bank.
- The Customer’s deposits will not be covered by the deposit insurance scheme managed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) if:
- The total balance of the Customer’s deposits (including interest) in one bank exceeds (an equivalent of) IDR2 billion for both single accounts and joint accounts.
- The interest rate obtained by the Customer exceeds the deposit insurance interest rate set by the LPS.
- Savings interest rates may fluctuate in line with market developments.
- If the balance remaining in the Customer's savings account is zero and there are no transactions for 12 consecutive months, the account will be automatically closed.
Simulation 1):
Tahapan Balance 2) | Interest Rate per Annum According to Balance3) | Monthly Interest Amount 4) |
Rp20,000,000 | 0.01% | Rp164.38 |
Rp100,000,000 | 0.01% | Rp821.92 |
Rp600,000,000 | 0.01% | Rp4,931.51 |
Rp1,010,000,000 | 0.03% | Rp24,904.11 |
Last Update: 1 February 2024
1) This simulation is intended to provide the customer with an estimate calculation only and is not meant to give any recommendation.
2) Position of the monthly average balance of the savings account.
3) Interest rates may change at any time in line with market conditions and the change will be notified to the Customer via BCA’s information media.
4) Interest Amount = gross interest amount before tax withholding according to the applicable laws and regulations (Assumption: 1 month = 30 days and 1 year = 365 days).
- The savings interest will be credited to the Customer’s account at the end of the relevant month.
- A decrease in the interest rate will result in a reduction in the interest amount received by the Customer.
- Tahapan Gold can be opened in the form of a joint account with the status of either “ATAU/OR” or “DAN/AND”.
- An instruction given to the bank or a cash withdrawal made from a joint account with the status of “ATAU/OR” can be made by only one of the joint account holders. However, for a joint account with the status of "DAN/AND", such instruction or cash withdrawal must be made collectively by all of the joint account holders.
- The Customer may apply for the savings account closure at the branch office where the account is opened and the Customer will incur an account closure fee.
- The Bank has the right to change the benefits, fees and charges, risks, including the terms and conditions for this product and/or service, and such change will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with the applicable law.
- The Customer may receive offerings for other products from other parties outside of the Bank that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank, if the Customer gives consent to BCA to provide the customer’s data to such other parties that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank.
- The Customer may receive offerings for the Bank’s products and/or services or the products and/or services belonging to other parties that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank via personal communication channels, if the Customer gives consent to the Bank to deliver such product and/or service offerings via personal communication channels.
- All other information regarding the fees and charges, benefits, and risks can be accessed on BCA’s official website at www.bca.co.id.
Tahapan Gold
Untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan nasabahnya, BCA memberlakukan biaya dan limit yang kompetitif dalam setiap produk dan layanannya. Temukan biaya dan limit Tahapan di bawah ini.
Balance (IDR) |
Interest Rates (% p.a) |
< 10,000,000 | 0.00 |
≥ 10,000,000 - < 50,000,000 | 0.01 |
≥ 50,000,000 - < 500,000,000 | 0.01 |
≥ 500,000,000 - < 1,000,000,000 | 0.01 |
≥ 1,000,000,000 | 0.03 |
- The minimum initial deposit is IDR10,000,000
- Income tax withholding: 20% of the interest amount.
- The monthly administration fees and penalties are as follows:
Type of Card | Administration Fee | Penalty* |
Master Card | ||
Paspor Blue | IDR15,000 | IDR25,000 |
Paspor Gold | IDR17,000 | |
Paspor Platinum | IDR20,000 | |
GPN | ||
Paspor Blue | IDR14,000 | IDR25,000 |
Paspor Gold | IDR16,000 | |
Paspor Platinum | IDR19,000 |
*) The Penalty will be imposed if the customer’s average balance does not reach the minimum monthly average balance.
- Fees for Interbank transactions on the ATM network:
Type of Transaction | BCA ATM | Prima & GPN | Mastercard/Cirrus |
Balance Inquiry | Free | IDR4,000 | IDR5,000 |
Cash Withdrawal | Free | IDR7,500 | IDR20,000 |
Transfer to Another Bank | Online: IDR6,500
BI-FAST: IDR2,500 |
- | |
Declined Transaction | Free | IDR3,500 | IDR5,000 |
- Fees for funds remittance to another bank:
Transfer via | Online | BI-FAST | LLG | RTGS |
BCA Branch Office* | - | IDR2,500 | IDR2,900 | IDR30,000 |
m-BCA** | IDR6,500 | IDR2,500 | - | - |
Internet Banking and myBCA | IDR6,500 | IDR2,500 | IDR2,900 | IDR25,000 |
Note: For funds remittance cancellation, the customer will be charged a fee of IDR10,000.
*: Funds remittance to another bank via a BCA Branch can only be made using BI-FAST, LLG, and RTGS.
**: Funds remittance to another bank via m-BCA can only be made either online or using BI-FAST.
- The fee for Outward Remittance (OR) can be viewed at bca.co.id.
- The fee for Account closure is IDR50,000.
- The fee for Card issuance/replacement:
Type of Card | Fee for Card Issuance/Replacement |
Paspor Blue | IDR20,000 |
Paspor Gold | IDR20,000 |
Paspor Platinum | IDR20,000 |
- The fee for replacement of a lost/damaged Tahapan Gold passbook is IDR5,000.
- Any Customer making a large nominal cash withdrawal (≥ IDR100,000,000) needs to give confirmation/notification to BCA 1 (one) day in advance. Without such prior confirmation/notification, the Customer will be charged a fee of IDR100,000.
Setting the daily transaction limit can be done through the application:
- myBCA: on the My Account menu, click Account Control then Set Limit
- BCA mobile: on the "Akun Saya" menu, click "Atur Limit"
Below are the daily limits for Tahapan Gold transactions:
Type of Transaction | Paspor Blue | Paspor Gold | Paspor Platinum |
via BCA ATM | |||
Cash Withdrawal 1) |
IDR15,000,000 |
IDR15,000,000 |
IDR15,000,000 |
Cash Deposit 2) |
IDR50,000,000 |
IDR80,000,000 |
IDR100,000,000 |
Transfer between BCA Accounts 3) |
IDR100,000,000 |
IDR125,000,000 |
IDR150,000,000 |
Transfer between BCA Accounts (to a foreign currency account) 4) 8) |
IDR100,000,000 |
IDR125,000,000 |
IDR150,000,000 |
Transfer to Another Bank 5) |
IDR30,000,000 |
IDR40,000,000 |
IDR50,000,000 |
via EDC | |||
Debit BCA 6) |
IDR100,000,000 |
IDR125,000,000 |
IDR150,000,000 |
Debit Contactless without PIN 7) |
IDR1.000.000 |
via m-BCA | |||
Transfer between BCA Accounts3) |
IDR100,000,000 |
IDR125,000,000 |
IDR150,000,000 |
Transfer between BCA Accounts (to a foreign currency account) 4) 8) |
IDR100,000,000 |
IDR125,000,000 |
IDR150,000,000 |
Transfer to Another Bank5) |
IDR30,000,000 |
IDR40,000,000 |
IDR50,000,000 |
Last Update: 19 January 2024
1) The limit for cash withdrawals using the Paspor BCA is a combined limit with the cardless cash withdrawal limit via m-BCA.
2) The limit for cash deposits using the Paspor BCA is a combined limit with the cardless cash deposit limit via m-BCA.
3) The limit for transfer between BCA Accounts via the BCA ATM is a combined limit with the limit for transfer between BCA Accounts via m-BCA.
4) The limit for transfer between BCA Accounts (to a foreign currency account) via the BCA ATM is a combined limit with the limit for transfer between BCA Accounts (to a foreign currency account) via m-BCA.
5) The limit for transfer to another bank via the BCA ATM is a combined limit with the limit for transfer to another bank (Online & BI-FAST) via m-BCA.
6) The limit for payment with Debit BCA is a combined limit with the limit for cash withdrawal at a merchant and Flazz top-up via an EDC machine (separate from the limit for cash withdrawal via ATMs).
7) Contactless Debit transactions without a PIN are still calculated in the BCA Debit transaction limit according to the type of BCA Debit/ATM Card. Contactless Debit limit with PIN follows the BCA Debit transaction limit.
8) This limit is separate from the limit for transfer in Rupiah.
9) Applicable to transfers to all Own BCA Accounts (Rupiah/foreign currency accounts). Transfer transactions from a Rupiah source account to a foreign currency account shall be subject to the Information on Foreign Exchange Transaction Threshold, which can be viewed at https://www.bca.co.id/en/informasi/news-and-features/2022/07/15/02/49/informasi-ketentuan-threshold-transaksi-valas.
10) Applicable to transfers between BCA accounts other than transfers to own account.
11) The combined limit for transfers between BCA accounts (other than transfers to own accounts) and transfers to another bank via myBCA is the maximum daily transaction limit per BCA ID. The complete information on myBCA transaction limits can be viewed at https://www.bca.co.id/en/Individu/layanan/e-banking/myBCA.
12) The combined limit for transfer transactions via Internet Banking is the maximum daily transaction limit per user ID. The complete information on Internet Banking transaction limits can be viewed at https://www.bca.co.id/en/Individu/layanan/e-banking/KlikBCA.
13) The daily limit for cash withdrawals without a card (cardless) via myBCA mobile per BCA ID.
14) The daily limit for cash deposits without a card (cardless) via myBCA mobile per BCA ID.
- Tahapan Gold transaction limit through KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB) follows the limit proposed by the customer and approved by BCA in accordance with applicable regulations.
- TAHAPAN BCA Depositor means an individual who owns an identity card in accordance with the applicable law, a foundation or any other entity as determined by BCA, or a combination thereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor").
- Upon opening the TAHAPAN BCA account, the Depositor will obtain a Paspor BCA Card, which can be used for conducting transactions.
- At the Depositor’s request, BCA will issue a TAHAPAN BCA passbook. BCA has the right to charge the Depositor a fee for issuing the TAHAPAN BCA passbook.
- The parent or guardian that opens a TAHAPAN BCA account for the benefit of a minor in the capacity as his/her parent or guardian is fully liable for the use of the Paspor BCA Card provided by BCA in connection with the opening of the TAHAPAN account, including any misuse of the Paspor BCA Card.
- In respect of a TAHAPAN account with the status of "Joint Account" "AND'", and "Foundation", BCA will provide a Special Paspor Card, which can only be used to conduct transactions at a teller counter.
- For the implementation of fund transfer transactions (including registration of destination accounts for the purpose of fund transfer transactions) through facilities provided by BCA, other banks, or non-bank institutions, the Depositor hereby authorizes BCA to:
- display the name and/or account number of the Depositor on the BCA facilities used to conduct fund transfer transactions;
- provide data on the name and/or account number of the Depositor to other banks, non-bank institutions, and other parties cooperating with other banks or non-bank institutions to be displayed on the facilities used for fund transfer transactions.
- For the implementation of deposit transactions, transfers, remittances, or other financial transactions and for the purposes of verification/confirmation of the status of transactions made by the Depositor to a fund account, virtual account, or other means that can receive funds or can be used as a facility for fund transfer/ payment through BCA branch offices, facilities provided by BCA, other banks, or non-bank institutions, the Depositor hereby authorizes BCA to:
- display the name and/or account number of the Depositor on the account statement and transaction report issued by BCA.
- provide data on the name and/or account number of the Depositor to other parties who process deposit transactions, transfers, remittances, or other financial transactions, recipients of virtual account facilities or other means that can receive funds or can be used as facility for fund transfer/payment, as well as to other parties who receive funds from transactions made by the Depositor.
- The Depositor is fully liable for all losses arising from the forgery of the TAHAPAN BCA passbook, misuse of any nature of the TAHAPAN BCA passbook, as well as any losses or claims arising from the loss of or damage to the TAHAPAN BCA passbook.
- BCA is not liable for any damage to and/or failure of BCA’s ATMs and/or other facilities as a consequence of any occurrences beyond BCA's control.
- BCA reserves the right to block the Depositor’s account, reject any transaction involving the Depositor’s account, and/or terminate the business relationship with the Depositor if:
- the Depositor fails to comply with the prevailing law;
- the Depositor fails to provide any information and supporting documents in accordance with the prevailing law;
- the Depositor is known to have used and/or reasonably suspected of using false documents and/or providing incorrect data to BCA;
- the Depositor provides questionable information; and/or
- the Depositor’s source of transaction funds is known to emanate from and/or reasonably suspected of emanating from a crime.
- If there is any discrepancy between the balance in the BCA TAHAPAN passbook and the balance on record with BCA, the balance on record with BCA will prevail, unless proven otherwise.
- The [nama ketentuan] will be automatically closed by the system if the balance in the account is IDR 0 (zero rupiah), and no debit and credit transactions were made in said account for 12 (twelve) consecutive months.
- The Depositor must pay all charges and fees that may be incurred in relation to the issuance and/or use of a Paspor BCA Card and/or a BCA TAHAPAN passbook, including but not limited to the fee for the production/replacement of such Paspor BCA Card and BCA TAHAPAN passbook, the administration fee, transaction fee, and other charges and fees. The amounts of such charges and fees and any changes thereto will be notified to the Depositor in any form and by any means. Such charges and fees will be debited directly by BCA from the Depositor’s TAHAPAN BCA account.
- The Depositor must notify BCA in writing of any changes to the Depositor’s data.
- The Depositor authorizes BCA to provide Depositor’s data to any party other than BCA that has entered into a cooperation with BCA, for promotional activities or other commercial purposes.
- The Depositor authorizes BCA, either now or after Depositor is no longer a BCA customer, to offer BCA's products/services and products/services of other parties that has entered into a cooperation with BCA via personal communication means.
- In the event of the Depositor’s death, BCA may request any documentation of heirship as required by BCA as the basis for liquidating the balance in the TAHAPAN BCA account owned by the deceased Depositor and paying the same to the rightful beneficiary(-ies) or attorney(s)-in-fact as specified in the documentation of heirship. Once the balance in the TAHAPAN BCA account owned by the deceased Depositor has been liquidated and paid to the rightful beneficiary(-ies) or attorney(s)-in-fact as specified in the documentation of heirship, BCA is released and forever discharged from any liability whatsoever in connection with the Depositor’s TAHAPAN BCA account.
- All actions taken by any one or more parties that open a joint TAHAPAN account are binding on all such parties jointly owning such joint TAHAPAN account, and therefore each party is jointly and severally liable to BCA for all consequences arising therefrom.
- If the Depositor later applies for such facilities as m-BCA, KlikBCA, and/or other facilities linked to the TAHAPAN BCA account, the Depositor hereby agrees to the relevant terms and conditions for such m-BCA, KlikBCA, and/or other facilities linked to the TAHAPAN BCA account if the Depositor uses such facilities.
- A certain number of transactions that have not been printed in a BCA TAHAPAN passbook (unprinted transactions) for a certain period may be combined into a single debit transaction and/or a single credit transaction (according to the transaction type), and the combination of such unprinted transactions is automatically done by the system.
- As long as the Depositor (including any one or more parties collectively opening the TAHAPAN BCA joint account) still has outstanding debts of any nature to BCA under any credit facility, L/C, bank guarantee or guarantee provided by the Depositor (borgtocht), interest, facility fee (provisi), Cheque/Bilyet Giro book charges, stamp duty, draft, letter of acceptance or other commercial papers signed by the Depositor as an acceptor, endorser, or drawer, guarantor or as a consequence of the use of a credit card or any other fees or obligations arising from anything whatsoever, BCA is entitled, and to the extent necessary is hereby authorized by the Depositor to debit the Depositor’s account and apply the proceeds to repay any amounts at any time owing to BCA. Any consequences arising from the debiting of the Tahapan BCA account under the power granted by the Depositor shall be the sole responsibility of the Depositor.
- BCA has the right to rectify the balance of the Depositor’s account in the event of any mistake made by BCA in inputting the relevant data.
- If the TAHAPAN passbook is lost, damaged or used up, the Depositor may apply for a replacement of the TAHAPAN passbook to a BCA branch office. The application for replacement of the TAHAPAN passbook will be processed by BCA on condition that the Depositor has fulfilled the requirements and provisions applicable at BCA.
- The closure of a TAHAPAN BCA account must be done by the Depositor at the BCA branch office where the TAHAPAN BCA account is opened, and the Depositor must present the Depositor’s original and valid ID card, the Paspor BCA Card and other supporting documents (if applicable) according to the provisions applicable at BCA.
- The closure of a TAHAPAN BCA account will be subject to an account closing fee. The fee amount for closing the TAHAPAN BCA account and any changes thereto will be notified by BCA to the Depositor in any form and by any means in accordance with the applicable law.
- Any TAHAPAN BCA account that is closed during a lucky draw period is not eligible for the lucky draw program held by BCA (if any).
- All data connected with the TAHAPAN BCA account will be held and stored by BCA in accordance with the prevailing law.
- The Depositor’s funds at BCA are guaranteed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, or “LPS”) to the extent of the maximum limit stipulated by the LPS.
LPS does not guarantee any deposit with interest at the rate exceeding the maximum interest rate stipulated by the LPS." - The Depositor hereby authorizes BCA to provide the Depositor‘s data to a paying bank in order to enable the paying bank to make payment to the designated recipient with regard to the Depositor's remittance transaction.
- By opening the TAHAPAN BCA account, the Depositor is bound by and agrees to these Terms and Conditions for TAHAPAN BCA. BCA may at any time amend any provisions concerning the TAHAPAN BCA account, and such amendment will be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law.
- The Depositor must not keep or leave the Depositor’s TAHAPAN passbook at BCA.
- The amounts of initial and subsequent deposits into the TAHAPAN BCA account shall subject to the provisions applicable at BCA, which will be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law.
- Deposits can be made at any time through the teller counter during BCA business hours or through a cash deposit machine and/or through other facilities as determined by BCA.
- Deposits in forms of Cheques, Bilyet Giro, drafts, and other instruments of similar nature will be credited to the TAHAPAN BCA account on the same day such instruments are received, but the credited amounts do not constitute good funds (dana efektif) that can be readily used or withdrawn by the Depositor (floating). The status of good funds in the TAHAPAN BCA account is dependent on the clearing result from Bank Indonesia and time of the clearing process (same day, next day or two days) as applicable to each BCA branch office. For incoming remittance transactions, funds will be credited to the TAHAPAN BCA account once the amounts have been received by BCA in good funds.
- In the event of any rejection of a Cheque, Bilyet Giro, Draft and other instruments of similar nature, BCA has the right to recover the credited amounts by debiting the Depositor’s TAHAPAN BCA account in the amount of the rejected Cheque, Bilyet Giro, Draft and other instruments of similar nature.
- If any of the instruments described above is rejected by the issuing bank, the rejected instrument can be collected by the depositor within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the rejection date. If the depositor fails to collect the rejected instrument within such period, BCA is not responsible for any consequences arising from the Depositor’s failure to collect the rejected instrument.
- If the Depositor requests BCA to make a collection (inkaso) of an instrument from the relevant issuing bank, BCA has the right to appoint a correspondent bank to carry out the collection. Any failure or delay by such correspondent bank in conducting the collection with the issuing bank or transferring the proceeds to BCA as well as any loss arising from the collection process shall be the sole responsibility of the Depositor.
- Cash withdrawals or funds transfers can be made at any time through the teller counter during BCA business hours or through the ATM, and/or through other facilities as determined by BCA.
- Whenever the Depositor makes a cash withdrawal or a funds transfer at the teller counter, BCA has the right to carry out PIN verification and/or any other verification procedure (if necessary) in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA. BCA has the right to refuse to process a withdrawal or funds transfer if the Depositor cannot be verified according to the provisions applicable at BCA.
- Cash withdrawals or fund transfers by the Depositor’s attorney-in-fact can be made at a BCA branch office and the Depositor’s attorney-in-fact must present a duly fiscal-stamped power of attorney from the Depositor as well as the Depositor’s identity card and the attorney-in-fact’s original identity card.
- The TAHAPAN BCA account pays interest calculated based on the monthly average balance.
- Interest will be paid at the end of the relevant month and will be directly credited or added to the balance of the Depositor’s account on record with BCA.
- The interest rate will be determined by BCA. BCA has the right to change the interest rate at any time and will notify the Depositor of such change in any form and by any means in accordance with the applicable law.
- Any interest income shall be subject to tax in accordance with the prevailing tax law, and the tax shall be borne by the Depositor.
- Any complaints to BCA in connection with the TAHAPAN BCA account may be lodged by the Depositor with any BCA branch office or with HALO BCA. For the purpose of handling a complaint, BCA may ask the Depositor to provide BCA with a copy of the Depositor’s identity card and other supporting documents.
- BCA will respond to such complaint in accordance with the prevailing law.
- Any complaints relating to the TAHAPAN BCA account must be lodged by the Depositor with BCA within no later than 3 (three) months of the transaction date.
- The Depositor agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising from and/or in connection with the implementation of these Terms and Conditions for TAHAPAN of PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA Tbk (“BCA”) will be resolved in an amicable manner.
- Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be amicably resolved between the Depositor and BCA will be resolved through banking mediation facilities at Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority or by means of mediation through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution included in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions stipulated by the Financial Services Authority.
- Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved in an amicable manner and/or by means of mediation as described in item 2 above will be resolved through the District Court of Central Jakarta, without prejudice to BCA's right to file a suit or claim through any other District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
These Terms and Conditions for TAHAPAN of PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA Tbk (“BCA”) have been adjusted to ensure compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations including Regulations of the Financial Services Authority
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Paspor BCA GPN Blue
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Paspor BCA GPN Platinum
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Paspor BCA Mastercard® Blue
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Paspor BCA Mastercard® Gold
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Paspor BCA Mastercard® Platinum
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