Calculate Payroll Automatically
Automatically calculate salary, PPh 21, BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, and other salary components quickly and accurately. Minimize manual processes and human error in HR management.
Learn more: https://catapa.com/payroll

Tax Calculation According to Government Regulations
Organize taxable salary components with various tax calculation methods that are in accordance with government regulations. Calculate income tax (PPh 21) more easily, practically and flexibly.
Learn more: https://catapa.com/pajak-penghasilan

Transfer Payroll Instantly
Reporting is easier with ready-to-use reports, from bank transfer files, payroll reports, employee pay slips, to tax reports.

Guaranteed Security
Ensure the salary transaction process remains safe with the transaction authorization feature on KlikBCA Bisnis. Provide advanced protection for employee payroll management.

Ready-to-Use Reports
Reporting is easier with ready-to-use reports. Starting from bank transfer files, payroll reports, employee pay slips, to tax reports.

Customize Reports According to Needs
Create format for a report according to your company's requirements.
The payroll application is a product owned by PT Citra Teknologi Pintar (CATAPA) and not owned by nor a responsibility of PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA). BCA solely acts as the party referring the product. This product is not guaranteed by BCA and is not covered by the guarantee program as stipulated in the regulations concerning Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan or LPS).
BCA is not responsible for any information and materials of the product published on this page. All information and product materials published on this page are obtained by BCA from CATAPA and are full responsibility of CATAPA.
Any use of BCA’s logo and/or attribute in marketing documents (if any) is solely to showcase the ongoing marketing partnership between BCA and CATAPA.
BCA is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia.