e-Integrated Tax Management (e-PPT)
Safe, accurate, easy and convenient solution for taxpayers in managing, calculating, paying, reporting, and monitoring Income Tax (PPh) e-Bupot Articles 21, 26, 15, 22, 23, and 4 paragraph (2) in an integrated manner .

Tarra e-Faktur
Transaction platform for e-Tax Invoices, Return Notes, and other documents in large quantities that are connected to the DGT in real-time, making it easier to manage and monitor Value Added Tax (VAT).
Tax Dokumen Center (Tador)
Media for distributing tax documents such as Withholding Receipts, Tax Invoices, Return Notes, and Bukti Penerimaan Negara (BPN) which can be accessed securely and appropriately by relevant stakeholders.
e-Konfirmasi Status Wajib Pajak (e-KS)
Bulk online and real-time KYC by validating and confirming the validity of taxpayers with NIK, NPWP (15 Digits or 16 Digits), and NITKU (22 digits).

Official distributor of e-Meterai in Indonesia using API based solution technology that is easy and can be integrated directly.
Current Tax Wholesellers: Sobat Meterai (Play Store), Nabila (Play Store and AppStore), and Toko Gramedia. Register to become a wholeseller or reseller of Pajakku e-Meterai.
Wholeseller registration is still open for all regions of Indonesia

Tax Guide Pajakku
Easy and up-to-date to access tax policy repositories ranging from Laws, Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, Minister of Finance Regulations, Minister of Finance Decrees, as well as DJP Regulations and Decrees, COMPLETELY AND FREE.
Click here to access My Tax Guide.
The tax application is a product owned by PT Mitra Pajakku (Pajakku) and not owned by nor a responsibility of PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA). BCA solely acts as the party referring the product. This product is not guaranteed by BCA and is not covered by the guarantee program as stipulated in the regulations concerning Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan or LPS).
BCA is not responsible for any information and materials of the product published on this page. All information and product materials published on this page are obtained by BCA from Pajakku and are full responsibility of Pajakku.
Any use of BCA’s logo and/or attribute in marketing documents (if any) is solely to showcase the ongoing marketing partnership between BCA and Pajakku.
BCA is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia.