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Jenis Kartu

Business Debit Card

Business Debit Card (BDC) is a card-based facility offered to business Customers to make it easier for them to manage their financial activities, including the management of incoming and outgoing cash flow, both for internal company transactions and for providing rewards/loyalty benefits to their partners/customers.

  • Real-Time transactions

    Real-time transactions for cash deposits and withdrawals, as well as shopping throughout the BCA network.

  • Optimized Financial Management

    Ease of transaction reconciliation with transaction reports.

  • Secure

    Transactions come with PIN authentication and allow cash deposits to the company account directly, without requiring the input of an account number.

The Business Debit Card offers 3 types of cards with distinct features, namely:
Type of Card Description

Deposit Card

  • Designed specifically for cash deposits via BCA Cash Deposit ATMs or Cash Deposit & Withdrawal ATMs into the company’s account
  • There is no limit on cash deposits 

Petty Cash Card 

  • Designed for internal company needs for transactions: 
    • Cash withdrawals via BCA ATMs, BCA EDCs, and BCA branch offices 
    • Fund Transfers between BCA accounts via BCA ATMs 
    • Purchase transactions via BCA EDCs and Other domestic parties EDCs 
  • The card limit can be set automatically (recurring) or manually for each card 
  • Subject to a daily transaction limit 

Loyalty Card 

  • Designed for company external needs (such as providing rewards/loyalty benefits) for transactions: 
    • Cash withdrawals via BCA ATMs and BCA EDCs 
    • Fund Transfers between BCA accounts via BCA ATMs 
    • Purchase transactions via BCA EDCs and Other domestic parties EDCs 
  • The card limit can be topped up manually 
  • Subject to a daily transaction limit 
  • The following daily transaction limits apply to the Petty Cash Card and the Loyalty Card:

    Type of Transaction

    Petty Cash Card

    Loyalty Card

    Via BCA ATM 

    Cash Withdrawal



    Fund transfer between BCA Accounts



    Fund transfer between BCA Accounts (to a foreign currency account) 1)



    Via EDC 

    Debit BCA 2)



    Updated: 19 January 2024
    1) This limit is separate from the Rupiah transfer limit.
    2) The limit for payment with Debit BCA is a combined limit with the cash withdrawal limit at a merchant (separate from the limit for cash withdrawals via ATMs) and combined limit with payment transaction via BCA EDC and other parties EDC.

Important Information

  • The Business Debit Card (BDC) facility is intended for business Customers in the form of non-individual entities that meet the following criteria:
    • The non-individual Customer must operate in business sectors where the BDC facility is needed to support operations or provide rewards/loyalty benefits to its customers.
    • The Customer’s business activities must not fall within the category of prohibited business activities, such as:
      • Trading goods/services that infringe intellectual property rights.
      • Engaging in activities related to pornography, violence, illegal drug trafficking, gambling, and other activities that violate norms of law and decency.
      • Operating a business and/or existing as a business entity that is illegal and/or banned by regulatory authorities
  • Application requirements for the BDC facility:
    • The Customer must register an account owned by the Customer as the source of funds for the BDC card, in the form of a Rupiah Current Account, Tabungan Prestasi or Tahapan Gold account.
    • The Customer must have a KlikBCA Bisnis/myBCA Bisnis/KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated-Solution/Host to Host ERP Integration (HEI), subject to the following additional requirements:
      • The Customer using the Host to Host ERP Integration mechanism must be willing to establish the network infrastructure and Host to Host ERP Integration system based on BCA’s Technical Specification Document.
      • For BDC applications with a closed loop feature, the Customer needs to register for a Merchant ID (MID)/Merchant Code Category (MCC), which will be used for their BDC transactions.
  • The Customer must fill out and accept the terms outlined in specific application forms, which include:
    • Application Form for Business Debit Card Facility (IND/Bilingual)
    • Terms and Conditions for BCA Business Debit Card (IND/Bilingual)
    • Application Form for KlikBCA Bisnis or Application Form for KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated Solution, if the Customer does not already have either the KlikBCA Bisnis or the KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated-Solution.
  • The Customer must appoint a Coordinating Branch to assist with the BDC facility.

Nasabah dapat menyampaikan pertanyaan dan pengaduan melalui:

Hubungi Kami:

Halo BCA 1500888

Email :

WA : +628111500998

Website :

Media Sosial:

Facebook : GoodLife BCA

Instagram : @goodlifebca

Youtube : Solusi BCA

X (Twitter) : @BankBCA

  • The company’s account with account types such as the Current Account, Tahapan Gold, and Tabungan Prestasi can serve as the source of funds for BDC transactions and facility fees.
  • The company’s account can be linked to the BDC facility with no limit on the number of cards.
  • The Business Debit Card offers 3 types of cards with distinct features, namely:
    1. Deposit Card
    2. Petty Cash Card
    3. Loyalty Card
  • A Closed Loop feature is available for facilities with Petty Cash Cards and Loyalty Cards, allowing transactions to be restricted to specific merchants (EDCs) only according to the Customer's preferences.
  • It is possible to request a card with a special design (Co-Branding).
  • The Customer will receive the Business Debit Card to facilitate the management of its corporate financial activities, including incoming and outgoing cash flow, as well as the provision of rewards/loyalty benefits for loyal customers.
  • The BDC card design may be customized at the Customer’s request (Co-Branding).
  • Ensured transaction security through the use of a PIN for each transaction, customization of transaction features according to the company’s needs, and ability for the company to adjust limits via BCA e-channels (KlikBCA Bisnis/myBCA Bisnis/KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated-Solution/Host to Host ERP Integration (HEI)).

4. Enter the KeyBCA Appli 1 response and click “Kirim”

5. Transaction is successful

Biaya Cetak kartu Card administration fee

IDR15,000 per card



Company A requests 45 BDC cards of the Petty Cash Card type, and the fees incurred by Company A are as follows:

Number of Cards Fees Incurred


Card issuance fee : 1)
45 cards x Rp15,000 = Rp675,000
Monthly card administration fee : 2)
45 cards x Rp20,000 = Rp900,000


1) This fee is charged only once at the time the cards are issued or when the initial order is placed for Co-Branding 2) This fee is charged monthly for each card, whether active or inactive (excluding blocked cards) *) This simulation is intended as a calculation reference only.

The BDC card may be misused if it is lost due to the Cardholder's negligence. Therefore, the Cardholder must ensure the security of the card and maintain the confidentiality of the PIN.

  • The Customer (through the designated PIC) can manage the BDC card (request a card, delete a card, set limits, etc.) via BCA channels, namely KlikBCA Bisnis/myBCA Bisnis/KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated-Solution/Host to Host ERP Integration (HEI).
  • The account to be registered must not be a joint account with the status of either “ATAU/OR” or “DAN/AND”.
  • The Customers can submit complaints or inquiries about the BDC facility via the contact information provided in the Product and/or Service Information Summary.
  • BDC facility statements are only valid for 1 year from the current month. The Customer can download the statements via BCA channels, namely KlikBCA Bisnis/myBCA Bisnis/KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated-Solution/Host to Host ERP Integration (HEI).
  • In addition to the BCA channels, there are available services to manage the BDC Cards via API BCA which can be requested through a separate API BCA cooperation aggreement. The following are the API BCA services that can be used:
    1. Setting Limit BDC
    2. Change BDC Status
    3. Inquiry BDC Data
  • Payment transactions cannot be processed if the card limit or account balance is insufficient.
  • BCA must notify the Customer of any changes to the benefits, fees and charges, risks, including the terms and conditions for this Product and/or Service by letter or other means in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions. Such notice will be provided 30 (thirty) business days before the effective date of the change.
  • KlikBCA Bisnis
  • KlikBCA Bisnis – Integrated System
  • Host to Host.
  • API
  • myBCA Bisnis
  • To open a Business Debit Card (BDC), the customer must register an account as the source of funds, which can be a Rupiah Current Account, Tabungan Prestasi, or Tahapan Gold.
  • The customer must have a KBB/KBB-IS/Host-to-Host/API/myBCA Business facility, with the following additional requirements:
    • Customers using the Host-to-Host ERP Integration mechanism and API must be willing to develop network infrastructure and a Host-to-Host ERP Integration system based on BCA’s Technical Specification Document.
    • For Business Debit Card applications with closed-loop features, the customer must register a Merchant ID (MID)/Merchant Category Code (MCC) to be used for their Business Debit Card transactions.
    • Fill out and approve the required application forms, including:
  • Prepare the required documents.
  • Appoint a Coordinating Branch to assist with the customer's BDC facility.