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Payment process through electronic money in flazz card


Usage report facility easy to monitor


Self service top up process

Fasilitas Fleet

Service for ease of business segment customer to make various transaction online through desktop

Fleet service registration

Fill and sign these forms:

  1. KlikBCA Bisnis form
  2. Merchant data form
  3. Fleet card order form
  4. Agree to Fleet facility terms and conditions

Submit documents to BCA branch office that affiliated to KlikBCA Bisnis

Updating balance accordingly to registered maximum balance

  • Register Flazz card with Fleet feature in KlikBCA Bisnis
  • Get the top up code
  • Download report for reconciliation and transaction monitoring
  • Giving Flazz card with Fleet facility and top up code to card user
  • Customer can change card data information with fleet facility such as changing top up maximum price, account number and other information
  • Changing registration data is effective in the next day, except changing monthly top up maximum limit occurs every 1st day of month
  • Abolition registration data is effective after abolition has done online through KlikBCA Bisnis
  • Do not directly change or delete Corp ID KBB that still connected to Fleet card
  • If it needed to change Corp ID that connected to Fleet facility, here’s the steps:
    1. First, delete card information from previous Corp ID before delete/change, in order to re-register new Corp ID to Fleet card
    2. Download all Fleet reports from previous Corp ID
    3. Immediately re-register your Fleet card and new Corp ID, thus Fleet card can be used again and customer can receive Fleet card usage report
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