KlikBCA Bisnis
Service for ease of business segment customer to make various transaction online through desktop
- Ensure that keep your User ID, KeyBCA and KeyBCA PIN confidential
- Ensure to logout your computer after your transaction is done and before leaving your computer
- For security and convenience transactions, make sure your internet connection in safe and smooth condition
- Avoid accessing KlikBCA using public internet access
- Prospective customers who own KBB are Corporate/Organization Customers, Individual Business Customers, Banks or Remittance Companies/Non-Bank Fund Transfer Operators who have an account at BCA.
- Has one type of account that is used as the main account and operational account in accordance with the information below.
Account | Function | Type of Account |
Main | Used as a source of funds for KBB admin costs | Giro Rupiah |
Tahapan Gold | ||
Tapres | ||
Tahapan | ||
Operational | Used for operational transactions | Giro |
Tahapan Gold | ||
Tapres | ||
BCA Dollar | ||
Tahapan | ||
Tahapan Xpresi | ||
Rekening Dana Nasabah (RDN) |
- Registration for KBB can be done through the nearest BCA/Corporate Branch Office by:
- Filling out and signing the KBB form and the KBB Terms of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA).
- Registering the account used as the main account and operation account.
- Registering credit cards issued by BCA for Credit Card Report, Credit Card Transaction, BCA Credit Card Billing Features.
- Registering users who can access KBB.
- For joint accounts with either “AND” or “OR” status, credit cards, and merchant IDs that are registered with KBB under a different name than the name of the Customer who owns KBB must be accompanied by a power of attorney from the account owner, credit card owner, or merchant ID owner.
- The transaction limit contained in KBB is determined at the time of submission based on the results of branch analysis with limits set according to BCA's internal regulations.
- Transaction limits consist of:
- KBB daily transaction limit.
- Limit Per KBB Transaction.
- The KBB Customer who chooses Single Authorization give KBB access rights to the owner/holder of the User ID as stated in the KBB form.
- The KBB Customer who chooses Multi Authorization give KBB access rights to Sysadmin1 and Sysadmin2 as stated in the KBB form to request other User IDs registered in the application provided to the KBB Customer.
The KBB customer can submit questions and complaints through:
Contact Us:
Halo BCA 1500888
Halo BCA KBB Services 1500777
Email: halobca@bca.co.id
WA: +628111500998
Social Media:
Facebook : GoodLife BCA
Instagram : @goodlifebca
Youtube : Solusi BCA
X (Twitter) : @BankBCA
- KBB Customers can make transactions safely as the access to KBB is done through the internet network with a secure connection and use KeyBCA to access and carry out transactions in KBB
- KBB Customers can easily conduct online banking transactions via a computer or mobile phones anywhere and anytime
- Features in KBB are available to meet the business needs of KBB Customers
- Possible disruption to the system network or network connection which may lead banking transactions through KBB cannot be carried out.
- Transactions cannot be processed if they exceed the transaction time limit and daily limit.
- Misuse of KBB, among others, as a result of lost/stolen KeyBCA, User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response disclosed to other parties and leakage of transaction data due to negligence of the KBB Customer.
- Every Customer who owns KBB intending to register, change, or delete data and/or status of Corporate ID, User ID, and KeyBCA must fill out the KBB form.
- The KBB Customer is prohibited from using KBB facilities/services to engage in actions that violate or contradict the norms of decency, religion, morals, public order, law, or applicable statutes and regulations.
- Without prior written approval from BCA, the KBB Customer is prohibited from using KBB facilities/services for the purpose of offering commercial services to other parties, including services as a fund transfer operator.
- The KBB Customer and other User ID holders appointed by the KBB Customer must secure the User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA PIN by:
- Not disclosing the User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response to other people.
- Not writing the User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response on the table, station, or storing it in written form or on a computer applications or other storage facilities that allow it to be known by others.
- Use the User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response carefully to avoid being seen by others.
- Do not use KeyBCA’s PIN given by others or that are easily guessed such as date of birth or combinations thereof and telephone numbers.
- In case of blocking, the Customer who owns KBB must contact BCA. Blocking of Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA’s PIN may occur if:
- The Customer who owns KBB closes the KBB facility resulting in the Corporate ID being blocked.
- Failure to enter the KeyBCA Response 3 (three) times in a row when making a transaction using will result in the User ID being blocked.
- Failure to enter the KeyBCA Response 3 (three) times and the KeyBCA is reported damaged or lost will cause the KeyBCA to be blocked.
- The KBB Customer will receive email notifications for financial transactions made through KBB and non-financial transactions made by Sysadmin to the registered email address.
- The KBB Customer can determine the type of imposition of transaction fees, namely:
- OUR, imposition of transaction fees to the KBB Customer as the sender.
- BEN, imposition of transaction fees to the fund recipient by deducting the transaction value which will be received by the recipient.
- SHA, imposition of transaction fees to the sender and recipient.
- Fees incurred for transactions conducted through KBB shall be charged to the sender and/or recipient for each transaction that is successfully or unsuccessfully processed.
- The KBB Customer agrees that records, tapes/cartridges, computer printouts, copies, or other forms of information or data storage are valid evidence of the instructions from the KBB Customer as well as other means of communication received or sent by BCA.
- The KBB Customer acknowledges the validity, truth, or authenticity of the evidence of the instructions and communications transmitted electronically between the two parties, including documents in the form of computer records or BCA transaction evidence, tapes/cartridges, computer printouts, copies, or other forms of information storage, and all such tools or documents are valid evidence of banking instructions through KBB, unless the KBB Customer can prove otherwise.
- The Customer can apply for the termination of KBB through the branch where they apply for the facility.
- The Bank is required to notify all changes to the benefits, costs, risks, terms and conditions of these Products and Services by mail or through any other means pursuant to the prevailing terms and conditions. Such notification will be made 30 days prior to the effective date.
- Other information related to costs, benefits, and risks can be accessed through BCA’s official website www.bca.co.id.
- The Bank may reject the KBB opening application if the prospective KBB Customer does not meet the applicable requirements and regulations.
- The Prospective KBB Customer has read and understood the KBB product according to the Summary of Product and Service Information.
- The Customer must carefully read, understand, and agree to the KBB form and the terms of the KBB Facility.
- This Summary only serves as a means of product and service information for prospective Customer/Customer and is not intended as a formal offer of a product and/or service.
- Information included in the Product Summary is valid from the date of printing of the document until the new amendment in this Product Summary is made.
- The Customer must carefully read this Product Summary before agreeing to register for the KBB facility. The Customer may rightly ask a Bank employee or call Halo BCA KBB Services at 1500777 for any inquiries or complaints related to the Product Summary.
This summary has been adjusted to align with the laws and regulations in force including regulations of the Financial Services Authority.
- Go to the nearest BCA branch to Register your Business
- Fill out the KlikBCA Bisnis registration form
- Complete the required documents
- Corporate ID
- User ID
- KeyBCA
- PIN KeyBCA that will sent separately with email for security and confidentiality
- It's important to keep your User ID, KeyBCA and KeyBCA PIN secured.
- It's important to always logout from KlikBCA Bisnis after completing your transaction
and before leaving your computer. - For security and convenience transactions, make sure your internet connection in safe and stable condition.
- Avoid accessing KlikBCA Bisnis using public internet access.
- Transaction Fees
Feature/Transaction |
Fees |
Single Unit Transaction |
Transfer to Domestic Bank (LLG) |
Rp2,900 |
Transfer to Domestic Bank (RTGS) |
Rp25,000 |
Transfer to Domestic Bank (Online) |
Rp6,500 |
Transfer to Domestic Bank (BI-FAST) |
Rp2,500 |
Outward Remittance (OR) · Telex · Value Date Today · In Lieu of Exchange |
Rp35,000 Rp30,000 0.125% of transaction amount |
Bulk Transaction |
MFTS Auto Credit (LLG) |
Rp2,900 |
Realtime Auto Credit (LLG) |
Realtime Auto Transfer (LLG) |
Multi Auto Transfer (LLG) |
Multi Payroll (LLG) |
MFTS Auto Credit (RTGS) |
Rp25,000 |
Realtime Auto Credit (RTGS) |
Realtime Auto Transfer (RTGS) |
Multi Auto Transfer (RTGS) |
Multi Payroll (RTGS) |
MFTS Auto Collection |
Rp3,000 |
Real-time Auto Collection |
Multi Payroll (additional transaction fee on D-Day) |
Rp5,000 |
Payroll Contingency |
Rp5,000 |
- KeyBCA Administration Fee
KeyBCA Fee Conditions |
Fees |
Request for New KeyBCA |
Rp25,000 |
Request for a new Multi-Authorization KeyBCA Bisnis sent to the Customer's address |
Rp50,000 |
KeyBCA replacement outside the warranty period or due to customer negligence |
*) The fees listed are standard fees that are subject to change at any time, the amount of which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means pursuant to the applicable law. Special fees may be charged based on analysis and approval from BCA Business Unit.
There is no simulation for this facility
- BCA branch office
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