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Equipped with VPN and KeyBCA for layered transaction protection


Access various banking transaction with laptop or handphone


Convenient business transaction with user friendly interface

KlikBCA Bisnis

Service for ease of business segment customer to make various transaction online through desktop

  • Ensure that keep your User ID, KeyBCA and KeyBCA PIN confidential
  • Ensure to logout your computer after your transaction is done and before leaving your computer
  • For security and convenience transactions, make sure your internet connection in safe and smooth condition
  • Avoid accessing KlikBCA using public internet access
  • Prospective customers who own KBB are Corporate/Organization Customers, Individual Business Customers, Banks or Remittance Companies/Non-Bank Fund Transfer Operators who have an account at BCA.
  • Has one type of account that is used as the main account and operational account in accordance with the information below.
Account Function Type of Account
Main Used as a source of funds for KBB admin costs Giro Rupiah
Tahapan Gold
Operational Used for operational transactions Giro
Tahapan Gold
BCA Dollar
Tahapan Xpresi
Rekening Dana Nasabah (RDN)
  • Registration for KBB can be done through the nearest BCA/Corporate Branch Office by:
    • Filling out and signing the KBB form and the KBB Terms of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA).
    • Registering the account used as the main account and operation account.
    • Registering credit cards issued by BCA for Credit Card Report, Credit Card Transaction, BCA Credit Card Billing Features.
    • Registering users who can access KBB.
  • For joint accounts with either “AND” or “OR” status, credit cards, and merchant IDs that are registered with KBB under a different name than the name of the Customer who owns KBB must be accompanied by a power of attorney from the account owner, credit card owner, or merchant ID owner.
  • The transaction limit contained in KBB is determined at the time of submission based on the results of branch analysis with limits set according to BCA's internal regulations.
  • Transaction limits consist of:
    • KBB daily transaction limit.
    • Limit Per KBB Transaction.
  • The KBB Customer who chooses Single Authorization give KBB access rights to the owner/holder of the User ID as stated in the KBB form.
  • The KBB Customer who chooses Multi Authorization give KBB access rights to Sysadmin1 and Sysadmin2 as stated in the KBB form to request other User IDs registered in the application provided to the KBB Customer.

The KBB customer can submit questions and complaints through:

Contact Us:

Halo BCA 1500888
Halo BCA KBB Services 1500777
WA: +628111500998

Social Media:

Facebook : GoodLife BCA
Instagram : @goodlifebca
Youtube : Solusi BCA
X (Twitter) : @BankBCA

KBB offers features that can be selected to suit the preferences and needs of business customers for easy online banking transactions.

Standard Features

This is a feature selected based on the customer’s needs at the time of applying for KBB. Here are the standard features of KBB:

  • Account Information
    • Balance Information
      Balance information on accounts that have been registered with KBB.
    • Account Statement
      Information on each account statement that has been registered with KBB. The statements are available on a daily or monthly basis, where for monthly statements, the options are of the last month period and the previous two months period. These statements can be downloaded at once for multiple accounts with a choice of HTML or CSV file types.
    • Bulk Account Statement
      Account statement information for customers whose accounts have a high frequency of transactions the results of which can be downloaded in the form of files in TXT and/or CSV format.
    • Bank Statement
      Information on bank statements from operational accounts that have been registered with KBB. The bank statements can be downloaded in HTML or CSV file format.
    • Customer Portfolio Report
      monthly or annual report containing summary and details of the account portfolio connected to the Customer Identification Number (CIN) which can be downloaded by the Customers.
    • BCA Debit Report
      Information on BCA debit transactions and settlement transactions for each merchant ID that has been registered by KBB customers.
    • Credit Card Report
      Information on credit card transactions made at BCA Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and is available for download in HTML or CSV file format. This information can only be accessed by KBB customers who are also BCA merchants and have registered their merchant ID.
    • BCA Credit Card Transactions
      Information on all BCA credit card transactions registered with KBB, which have not been included in the customer’s billing cycle.
    • BCA Credit Card Bills
      Information on all BCA credit card bills registered with KBB. This information is available for download in the PDF format.
    • Payment Report
      information on payment transactions received by the Customer through electronic banking products. This information can only be accessed by KBB Customers who also cooperate with BCA in terms of bill payments through BCA electronic banking products and have registered an account number that functions as a payment recipient account. Payment reports are available for download in HTML or CSV file format.
    • e-Statement
      Information on monthly account statements in softcopy form provided to customers every month. e-Statement only apply to accounts registered as operational accounts and accounts with inquiry access at KBB.
  • Fund Transfer Between BCA Accounts
    Fund transfer between BCA accounts is used to make transfers between BCA accounts, be it to their own accounts or to another customers’ accounts. Fund transfers between BCA accounts can be made for the following currencies:
    • USD to IDR/USD
    • SGD to IDR/SGD
    • EUR to IDR/EUR
    • GBP to IDR/GBP
    • AUD to IDR/AUD
    • CNY to IDR/CNY
    • JPY to IDR/JPY
    • HKD to IDR/HKD

The exchange rate used for foreign exchange fund transfer transactions between BCA accounts in KBB is the e-Rate rate that applies at the time of transaction.

  • Interbank Rupiah Fund Transfer
    Interbank Rupiah fund transfer refers to fund transfer in Rupiah (IDR) from a BCA account to other bank account(s) within the country.
    The following are the types of services that can be selected for interbank Rupiah fund transfers in KBB and their service hours:

Type of Service

Service Hours


Release data maximum at 15.30 WIB, if you wish to have it processed on the same day


Online (Switching/Host to Host)

24 hours every day


  • Foreign Exchange Transfer
    Outward Remittance in KBB refers to forex fund transfers using a BCA account source, in Rupiah or forex, to recipient banks at home or abroad. Specifically for foreign exchange fund sources, the beneficiary account must be in the same foreign exchange. The types of Outward Remittance (OR) through KBB are as follows:

Types of Outward Remittance


OR Value Today

OR transactions in which the effective maturity date coincides with the transaction delivery date.

OR value date today is capped with a limit in the respective currency.

OR Non-Value Today

OR transactions in which the effective maturity date does not coincide with the transaction delivery date.

Here are the types of currencies available for Outward Remittance and their service hours on each business day. Customers who make OR transactions in KBB outside the service hours below will be rejected by KBB.


Value Today Service Hours

Non-Value Today Service Hours


08.30-10.00 WIB

08.30-15.00 WIB


08.30-10.00 WIB


08.30-12.00 WIB


08.30-15.00 WIB


Tidak tersedia

  • Bill Payment
    Bill Payments in KBB consist of bill payments from Company Partners that work with BCA. Multiple bill payment refers to bill payments for multiple bills in one transaction, allowing customers to skip repeated transactions. Listed below are the Bill Payment categories that can be made in KBB:
    • Insurance
    • BPJS
    • Internet
    • Credit Card
    • Others
    • Tax
    • Education
    • Loans
    • Mutual Funds
    • Post-paid mobile phone
    • Ticket
    • Transportation
    • TV Subscription
    • Utility
    • Voucher Top-Up
  • Multi Transfer
    • Payroll
      Payroll refers to the payment of employees’ salaries via transfer from the company’s account to the employees’ account by uploading the Payroll file. The currency used for Payroll transactions is IDR. The following are the upload and processing times of Payroll files:

      Types of Transaction

      Batas Waktu

      Payroll File Upload 

      No later than 2 business days before the effective date

      Payroll Transaction Processing

      D-1 End of Day before the effective date.

    • Payroll Contingency
      Payroll Contingency is used to upload payroll data on D-Day should there be a failure of the payroll process on D-2. The Payroll Contingency file upload process uses the same mechanism as the Auto-Credit transaction upload process between BCA accounts. The currency that can be used for Payroll Contingency transactions is IDR.
    • Auto-Credit
      Auto-Credit is a feature that enables crediting by uploading files. Auto-Credit is valid between BCA accounts and other bank accounts through LLG/RTGS. Auto-Credit transactions are made in IDR currency and the debit account is Current Account.
    • Auto-Collection
      Auto-Collection is a feature to debit multiple BCA accounts and then credit them to one account by uploading a file in KBB. Auto-Collection transactions are conducted in Rupiah.
    • Auto-Collection Contingency
      Auto-collection contingency is an auto-collection transaction between BCA accounts that is processed centrally using Beehive application as an alternative means in the event of a disruption to the KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB) system.
  • BPJS Payment
    This is a BPJS contribution payment in KBB in relation to the cooperation of BPJS contribution payment, which includes BPJS Health and BPJS Employment contributions. The contribution code is obtained from the BPJS website.
    There are 2 types of BPJS Employment payments that can be made through KBB, which are as follows:



BPJS Employment EPS

It is an online payment service for the company’s BPJS Employment by using the contribution code (12 digits).

Payment amount as per the bill.

BPJS Employment Virtual Account (VA)

It is a payment service for the company’s BPJS Employment using a VA number (11 digits).
The payment amount is set by the Customer.

  • Tax Payment
    taxes that can be paid through the Bill Payment feature in KBB are as follows:
    • Land and Building Tax (PBB).
    • State Revenue Tax.
    • Local taxes, such as hotel tax, entertainment tax, parking tax, etc.

KBB Special Features

A feature that can be used if the Customer requests the use of special features. For some Customers, the application for the use of special features requires a recommendation from the branch. The following are the KBB special features:

  • Account Information 
    • MT-940 Report
      Information on account statements in MT940 format, which is available for download based on the selected account number. Downloadable account statements include all KBB operational accounts. Account duration for download is 30 calendar days. Downloads can be made for several accounts at once.
    • Designated Account
      Designated Account is a feature to register a beneficiary account that is connected to a Beneficiary ID and to a specific user group, such that the user group can only credit funds to the account connected to the Beneficiary ID. Beneficiary ID is a unique code created by the Customer for each registered beneficiary account. Customers using the Designated Account feature must include the Beneficiary ID when making a fund crediting transaction.
    • Loan Information
      A feature developed for KBB B2B customers to obtain information on loan accounts other than those made at the Branch related to B2B services in KBB. Loan Information is used to make inquiries about loan ceilings, loan activities, and loan payment schedules from loan accounts that have been registered for B2B transactions through KBB.
  • B2B e-Commerce
    B2B e-Commerce is a KBB feature where Business Customers can transfer funds for e-Commerce transactions that have been carried out by Business Customers in the Partnering Company.
  • B2B Pertamina
    B2B Pertamina is a KBB feature that can be used by Pertamina Customers to make online Host to Host payments to Pertamina for the purchase of Pertamina products. Successful payment transactions will be forwarded to Pertamina’s account and Pertamina Customers can print out a proof of receipt of payment for the purchase of Pertamina products.
  • Account Sweeping
    A transaction feature that allows Customers to arrange funds between their own accounts in the same currency to withdraw a certain amount of funds or maintain a certain account balance automatically. The types of Account Sweeping are as follows:
    • Sweep In
      A transfer transaction from one or more debit accounts to a single beneficiary account.
    • Sweep Out
      A transfer transaction with a certain amount from one or more debit accounts to one or more beneficiary accounts.
    • Sweep Balance
      A transfer transaction from one or more debit accounts to one or more beneficiary accounts to maintain the beneficiary account balance within a certain amount.
  • Multi Transaction
    • Multi Auto Transfer
      Multi Auto-Transfer is a fund transfer feature from one of more source accounts to be sent to a number of other accounts, both BCA accounts, BCA VA, and other domestic bank accounts using upload files.
    • Multi Payroll
      Multi Payroll is a salary payment feature in IDR currency where the beneficiary account can be a BCA account or other domestic bank accounts.
  • Loan Payment
    It is a feature developed for KBB B2B Customers to make loan payments other than those made at Branches related to B2B services in KBB. It is used to make loan payments, whether they are already mature or not.
  • Business Debit Card
    Business Debit Card (BDC) is a KBB feature that serves as a means to manage BDC cards which include add, delete, or setting related to BDC cards.
  • HEI
    Host-to-Host Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Integration is a feature provided to KBB Customers of 01-03 segment, where they can conduct online and real-time banking transactions from their ERP system with or without using authorization from KBB.
  • J-Valas
    J-Valas service is a service for Customers to conduct online forex transactions through KBB or other facilities determined by BCA.
  • myLPG
    myLPG is a KBB feature for Pertamina agents to manage and monitor sales transactions of 3kg LPG gas cylinders to the Substation (the buyer of 3Kg LPG cylinders), in connection with the receipt of payment for the purchase of 3Kg LPG cylinders at BCA.
  • Business Dashboard

Business Dashboard is a feature provided to KBB customers to be able to monitor transaction status and download facility transaction reports related to KBB Corporate ID. The following are the features on the Business Dashboard




Showing detailed status and daily transaction data of facilities owned by KBB customers in real-time. Export the facility transaction data in  XLS and CSV formats


Download facility transaction report belongs to KBB Customers

The following are the types of facilities found in each Business Dashboard feature


Types of Facility



Virtual Account


R-5401 Transction Reporti via e- Banking & over the counter for the Partnering Companies



  • Business Document
    Business Document is a feature that can be used by KBB Customers to upload documents related to transactions in KBB. The types of documents that you can upload are as follows:
    • Underlying documents of forex purchase and sale transactions
    • Supporting documents for OR transactions.
  • KBB Customers can make transactions safely as the access to KBB is done through the internet network with a secure connection and use KeyBCA to access and carry out transactions in KBB
  • KBB Customers can easily conduct online banking transactions via a computer or mobile phones anywhere and anytime
  • Features in KBB are available to meet the business needs of KBB Customers
  • Possible disruption to the system network or network connection which may lead banking transactions through KBB cannot be carried out.
  • Transactions cannot be processed if they exceed the transaction time limit and daily limit.
  • Misuse of KBB, among others, as a result of lost/stolen KeyBCA, User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response disclosed to other parties and leakage of transaction data due to negligence of the KBB Customer.
  • Every Customer who owns KBB intending to register, change, or delete data and/or status of Corporate ID, User ID, and KeyBCA must fill out the KBB form.
  • The KBB Customer is prohibited from using KBB facilities/services to engage in actions that violate or contradict the norms of decency, religion, morals, public order, law, or applicable statutes and regulations.
  • Without prior written approval from BCA, the KBB Customer is prohibited from using KBB facilities/services for the purpose of offering commercial services to other parties, including services as a fund transfer operator.
  • The KBB Customer and other User ID holders appointed by the KBB Customer must secure the User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA PIN by:
    • Not disclosing the User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response to other people.
    • Not writing the User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response on the table, station, or storing it in written form or on a computer applications or other storage facilities that allow it to be known by others.
    • Use the User ID, PIN KeyBCA, and KeyBCA Response carefully to avoid being seen by others.
    • Do not use KeyBCA’s PIN given by others or that are easily guessed such as date of birth or combinations thereof and telephone numbers.
  • In case of blocking, the Customer who owns KBB must contact BCA. Blocking of Corporate ID, User ID, KeyBCA, and KeyBCA’s PIN may occur if:
    • The Customer who owns KBB closes the KBB facility resulting in the Corporate ID being blocked.
    • Failure to enter the KeyBCA Response  3 (three) times in a row when making a transaction using will result in the User ID being blocked.
    • Failure to enter the KeyBCA Response  3 (three) times and the KeyBCA is reported damaged or lost will cause the KeyBCA to be blocked.
  • The KBB Customer will receive email notifications for financial transactions made through KBB and non-financial transactions made by Sysadmin to the registered email address.
  • The KBB Customer can determine the type of imposition of transaction fees, namely:
    • OUR, imposition of transaction fees to the KBB Customer as the sender.
    • BEN, imposition of transaction fees to the fund recipient by deducting the transaction value which will be received by the recipient.
    • SHA, imposition of transaction fees to the sender and recipient.
  • Fees incurred for transactions conducted through KBB shall be charged to the sender and/or recipient for each transaction that is successfully or unsuccessfully processed.
  • The KBB Customer agrees that records, tapes/cartridges, computer printouts, copies, or other forms of information or data storage are valid evidence of the instructions from the KBB Customer as well as other means of communication received or sent by BCA.
  • The KBB Customer acknowledges the validity, truth, or authenticity of the evidence of the instructions and communications transmitted electronically between the two parties, including documents in the form of computer records or BCA transaction evidence, tapes/cartridges, computer printouts, copies, or other forms of information storage, and all such tools or documents are valid evidence of banking instructions through KBB, unless the KBB Customer can prove otherwise.
  • The Customer can apply for the termination of KBB through the branch where they apply for the facility.
  • The Bank is required to notify all changes to the benefits, costs, risks, terms and conditions of these Products and Services by mail or through any other means pursuant to the prevailing terms and conditions. Such notification will be made 30 days prior to the effective date.
  • Other information related to costs, benefits, and risks can be accessed through BCA’s official website
  • The Bank may reject the KBB opening application if the prospective KBB Customer does not meet the applicable requirements and regulations.
  • The Prospective KBB Customer has read and understood the KBB product according to the Summary of Product and Service Information.
  • The Customer must carefully read, understand, and agree to the KBB form and the terms of the KBB Facility.
  • This Summary only serves as a means of product and service information for prospective Customer/Customer and is not intended as a formal offer of a product and/or service.
  • Information included in the Product Summary is valid from the date of printing of the document until the new amendment in this Product Summary is made.
  • The Customer must carefully read this Product Summary before agreeing to register for the KBB facility. The Customer may rightly ask a Bank employee or call Halo BCA KBB Services at 1500777 for any inquiries or complaints related to the Product Summary.

This summary has been adjusted to align with the laws and regulations in force including regulations of the Financial Services Authority.

  • Go to the nearest BCA branch to Register your Business
  • Fill out the KlikBCA Bisnis registration form
  • Complete the required documents
  • Corporate ID
  • User ID
  • KeyBCA
  • PIN KeyBCA that will sent separately with email for security and confidentiality
  • It's important to keep your User ID, KeyBCA and KeyBCA PIN secured.
  • It's important to always logout from KlikBCA Bisnis after completing your transaction
    and before leaving your computer.
  • For security and convenience transactions, make sure your internet connection in safe and stable condition.
  • Avoid accessing KlikBCA Bisnis using public internet access.
  • Form Registration KlikBCA Bisnis
  • Converter MFTS Windows version
  • Converter MFTS Mac OS version
  • KlikBCA Bisnis Guidebook
  • Sandi BI


  • Transaction Fees



Single Unit Transaction

Transfer to Domestic Bank (LLG)


Transfer to Domestic Bank (RTGS)


Transfer to Domestic Bank (Online)


Transfer to Domestic Bank (BI-FAST)


Outward Remittance (OR)

· Telex

· Value Date Today

· In Lieu of Exchange



0.125% of transaction amount

Bulk Transaction

MFTS Auto Credit (LLG)


Realtime Auto Credit (LLG)

Realtime Auto Transfer (LLG)

Multi Auto Transfer (LLG)

Multi Payroll (LLG)

MFTS Auto Credit (RTGS)


Realtime Auto Credit (RTGS)

Realtime Auto Transfer (RTGS)

Multi Auto Transfer (RTGS)

Multi Payroll (RTGS)

MFTS Auto Collection


Real-time Auto Collection

Multi Payroll (additional transaction fee on D-Day)


Payroll Contingency


  • KeyBCA Administration Fee

KeyBCA Fee Conditions


Request for New KeyBCA


Request for a new Multi-Authorization KeyBCA Bisnis sent to the Customer's address


KeyBCA replacement outside the warranty period or due to customer negligence


*) The fees listed are standard fees that are subject to change at any time, the amount of which will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means pursuant to the applicable law. Special fees may be charged based on analysis and approval from BCA Business Unit. 



There is no simulation for this facility

  • BCA branch office

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