Payment Link
Simple, secure and convenient payment feature that enables to collect payment from customer without meet face to face
- Practical
Using media link send via email, Whatsapp, SMS etc, there’s no necessary use of website
- Convenient
Convenient purchasing just one click and directly to payment page
- Redeem Reward
Up to 100% BCA reward redemption exclusively for BCA Credit Card user
- Installment feature
Installment period up to 36 months and 0% installment with BCA merchant partners exclusively for BCA Credit Card user
- Dynamic Currency Conversion
Special feature for Visa/Mastercard card user, available for 20 foreign currencies
Payment link flow
- Receiving order from customer
- Product verification (stock availability, price, code, etc)
- Create entry payment link to merchant
- Order confirmation and send the link to customer
- Customer click the link and make the purchase
- Customer will get OTP code as payment authenticator
- After customer has paid, check the payment through BCA e-commerce Payment Gateway website
Process of making Payment Link
- Login into Portal BCA Payment Getaway
- Choose “Payment Link” and fill the order data
- Then click “Create Payment Link”
- Copy the provided Payment Link and send the link to customer
- Merchant unnecessarily own a website, the transaction is available through email, WhatsApp, SMS or any digital communication media
- Merchant can access Merchant Portal to check real time transaction, download report or propose CMR (Customize Merchant Report) for daily report
- Make sure the URL is correct https://ecommpg.klikbca.com/BCAPGW/Payment/Link?plid=1ABC (tail end URL is payment code which different in each payment link)
Transaction fee
There’s only charged of MDR fee without integration fee or fee per transaction
- Merchant Solution
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