Custodian service
Protection securities or physical asset from unwanted accident such as robbery or loss
Type of custodian service
- Core custody/Safekeeping for securities that published in Indonesia or overseas (safekeeping Euroclear)
- Jasa Administrasi Reksa Dana and Kontrak Pengelolaan Dana (KPD)
- Best Retail Government Bond Distribution Partner of 2023
- Best Retail SBSN Distribution Partner of 2023
- Best Performing Primary Dealer of Government Bonds in 2023
- Best Performing Primary Dealer of Government Bonds in the Secondary Market in 2023
- Best Primary Dealer of SBSN in 2023
- Best Retail Government Bond Distribution Partner of 2022
- Best Retail SBSN Distribution Partner in the Conventional Commercial Bank Category of 2022
- Best Performing Primary Dealer of Government Bonds in 2022
- Best Performing Primary Dealer of Government Bonds in the Secondary Market in 2022
- Bank Indonesia
Bank Pendukung Pendalaman Pasar Keuangan Terbaik
- Warta Ekonomi
Best Perform in Custodian Bank
- Majalah Asiamoney
Overall Best Local Currency Interest Rate Research & Market Coverage - IDR Overall Best Pricing for Local Currency Commodity Derivatives - IDR Overall Best Sales Services for Local Currency Commodity Derivatives - IDR
- Bank Indonesia dan OJK
Partisipasi dalam mendukung pengembangan 'Penerapan Nomor Tunggal Identitas Investor (Single Investor Identification) untuk Investor Surat Berharga Negara dan Surat Berharga yang Diterbitkan Bank Indonesia
- Kementrian Keuangan Republik Indonesia
Agen Penjual Sukuk Seri ST-001 Terbaik Pertama Tahun 2016 Investor Utama Surat Berharga Syariah Negara Domestik Tahun 2016 Agen Penjual Sukuk Ritel Seri SR-008 Terbaik Pertama Tahun 2016 Peserta Lelang Surat Berharga Syariah Negara Terbaik Pertama Tahun 2016 Agen Penjual Terbaik Obligasi Retail Indonesia Seri ORI012 Tahun 2016
- Majalah Asiamoney
Best Domestic Provider of FX Service Best Domestic Provider of FX Research & Market Coverage In Indonesia as voted by Corporates
- The Asian Banker
Best FX Bank in Indonesia
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Peserta Lelang Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN) Terbaik Kedua
- Bank Indonesia
Bank Pelapor Terbaik 1 (LLD, SID & LBU)
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel Terbaik (seri ORI011) Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel Terbaik (seri SR006)
- Asia Money
Best Domestic FX Bank in Indonesia as voted by Corporates (1999-2013)
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel Terbaik (seri ORI010)
- Asia Money
Best Domestic Provider for FX Options in Indonesia as Voted by Corporates Best Overall Domestic Provider of FX Services in Indonesia as Voted by Corporates
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel Terbaik (seri ORI009)
- Bank Indonesia
Bank Pelapor Terbaik 1 (LLD)
- Asia Money
Best Domestic Provider of FX (Vanilla) Options For Lokal Asian Currencies in Indonesia as Voted By Corporates Best Domestic Provider of FX (Vanilla) Options For Non-Asian Currencies in Indonesia as Voted By Corporates Best Domestic Provider For Customer Service in Indonesia as voted by corporate Best Domestic Provider for Innovative FX Product and Structured Ideas in Indonesia as Voted by Corporates Best Domestic Provider of FX Prime Broking service in Indonesia as voted by corporates Best Domestic provider for currency strategy in Indonesia as voted by corporate
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Dealer Utama terbaik tahun 2011 Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel terbaik 2011 (ORI008)
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel terbaik 2010 (ORI007)
- Finance Asia
Best Foreign Exchange Bank in Indonesia
- Asia Money
Best Domestic Bank in Indonesia Best Domestic Provider in Indonesia for Local Currency Product - Structured Currency Product (Structured Product Poll 2004-2008) Best Domestic Provider in Indonesia for Local Currency Product - Structured Interest-rate Product (Structured Product Poll 2004-2008) Best Domestic FX Provider of single - bank electronic trading platform in Indonesia as Voted by corporates (FX Poll 2009) Best Domestic Provider of FX Service in Indonesia as voted by Corporates (FX Poll 2009) Best Domestic FX Bank in Indonesia (FX Poll 1991 - 2008)
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel terbaik 2009 (ORI 0006)
- Finance Asia
Best Foreign Exchange Bank in Indonesia (2008)
- Menteri Keuangan RI
Agen Penjual Obligasi Negara Ritel terbaik 2007 (ORI 0002 dan ORI 0003)
- BCA branch office
Find nearby BCA branch office location to get the service or product directly
Nearby location
Corporate client | +6221 235 88 501 |
Customer service | +6221 235 88 581 |
Money market | +6221 235 88 532 |
Custodian service | +6221 235 88 665 |