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One QR code to use on various digital payment apps


Instant payment and real time notifications


Comprehensive transaction report and payment tracking

Syarat dan Ketentuan Merchant BCA

Merchant dengan ini menyatakan telah membaca, memahami, dan menyetujui seluruh Ketentuan Merchant BCA dan BCA telah memberikan penjelasan dan meminta konfirmasi kepada Merchant atas penjelasan tentang manfaat, biaya, dan risiko  penggunaan fasilitas oleh Merchant sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Ketentuan Merchant BCA ini.

Ketentuan Merchant BCA ini telah disesuaikan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan termasuk ketentuan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.

Important Information

  • Dynamic

    The QR code is obtained through the QR menu on the EDC machine. The dynamic QR specifies the transaction amount and is valid only for 1x transaction

  • Static

    This is a permanent QR code (on a sticker/tent card) uniquely applied to the merchant. The static QR can be used repeatedly

Tagih Customer Lebih Mudah dan Fleksibel


Payment QR Code usage method by displaying the Payment QR Code for the customer to scan.

Tagih Customer Lebih Mudah dan Fleksibel


Payment QR Code usage method by displaying the Payment QR Code for the merchant to scan.

Tagih Customer Lebih Mudah dan Fleksibel

Cross Border

Foreign customers can scan static or dynamic QRIS codes belonging to BCA merchants using mobile banking in their home countries. The list of countries that currently support QRIS Cross Border transactions includes Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. For more information, please check here .

Biaya Transaksi

Types of Merchants Category Applicable MDR


Micro Business (UMI)

Transaction value ≤ IDR500,000


Transaction value > IDR500,000


Small Business (UKE)


Medium Business (UME)

Large Business (UBE)




Public Service Agency (BLU) and Public Service Obligation (PSO)


Gas Station (SPBU)


Government to People (G2P) – Social Assistance (Bansos)


People to Government (P2G) – Tax, Passport, and social donation (non-profit)

*) The MDR change is effective for transactions from 1 December 2024 onwards


  • Limit per transaction is capped at IDR10,000,000
  • Simulation :
    Example of transaction at UKE Merchant using EDC BCA:
    Total QRIS transaction settlement = IDR100,000 then the amount that will be credited to the merchant settlement account is:
    Amount = Transaction Amount - (Transaction Amount x UKE Regular MDR)
    Amount = 100,000 - (100,000 x 0.7%)
    Amount = 100,000 – 700
    Amount = IDR99,300
  • Download Merchant BCA

    For Android and iOS users without EDC BCA/QRIS, download the BCA Merchant app now!
    Download Now


    One Easier Step to Grow Your Business
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